Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving 2005!

I am truly thankful to God for giving to each and every one of us from out of His great treasures.

May this be the start of a great beginning for you all both now and in the days and years to come, if the Lord tarries! For, in Him, we are never alone. And, through Him, we have a great big pile of leaves to jump into and a warm, crackling fire to heat you.

Thank you for joining us. In this time of Thanksgiving, we support all of our troops and our Commander in Chief.

Sending much love to all in this, our time of Thanksgiving.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Jesse Done Went and Done It Again!

You know the "Jesse" that I am talking about, right?
Yep! You're right about it. The Rebbend Jesse Jackson.

Who got the chance to view the seven(7-hour) going home services for Sister Rosa Parks in Detroit, Michigan, yesterday (Wednesday). The horse-drawn carriage waited in the light of day and it wasn't until dead of night they eased their way to the cemetery to her final resting place.

Imagine! Seven (7 hours). But I am used to serving in long funerals. Just not that long (maybe 3 l/2 hours long, to date).

Jackson's daughter lost weight and found her place in the sun (no pun or sarcasm intended). She has the most beautiful, versatile voice among many virtuosos. And she did US proud. Then her father got up and took a text. That part was fine. Then he let go with all barrels blazing. He laid out President Bush; the Secretary of State, Dr. Rice; the former Secretary of State and esteemed (I believe) Five-Star General, Powell; the policies of the Bush Administration; blaming them for everything from Iraq to stolen votes to left out health care to bodies floating in the floods of the aftermath of Katrina, and on and on and on. The church suddenly seemed ill at ease. I thought they did not know whether to feel embarrassed for him or feel sorry for him.

As for me --- I thought if I had been there either in the pulpit or in the congregation, I would have found it very hard to keep from standing up -- pointing in his direction -- and saying, "NO!" It is not that way! SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!!

You know you've got to be bold in the face of evil. So, the people listened as he went on to pronounce the President should place a statute of Mrs. Parks in Statuary Hall and name a park after her and do so much in her name. But that was after he had told how she was a plain person and nobody knew where she lived --- didn't know what sheets she had on her bed --- didn't know what was in her china closet, etc. And we know it was because Mrs. Parks was a private person who came out at the insistence of others who (we know) only wanted to gloat in her presence -- to bask in her light and they ignored everytime her light was from God.

But, thanks be to God --- Neither Jesse nor Aretha could steal the spotlight from Jesus. Just when they thought they were winding up and now the people would be let go ---- the BISHOP stood up and took a text! PRAISE GOD! And he surely did praise God. His message was, "The Legend of the Rock" (building on a firm foundation -- not sand). And, those Preachers in attendance who love God set my heart on fire and re-ignited the love of Jesus in my soul ------ I am so glad to be in the number one more time!

The Bishop honored the Christ in Mrs. Parks and he did not try to rewrite history right before our faces who were there in the moment the news first broke. Jesse did all he could to revise her role. Jesse had said it was degrading to think of Mrs. Parks as a seamstress. Jesse said that was not relevant and that she was a FREEDOM FIGHTER!

Within context, we know that was not true. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. saw a platform that would work at that particular time, and she agreed, because she could see the hand of God move in the situation. Otherwise, she would not have joined up. But we know it was God, because look how long it lasted and still does last.

Back to the Bishop! Praise God, his spirit would not have let him rest for the rest of his life, if he had not obeyed the Holy Spirit and PREACHED that funeral. Jesse flunked badly. Jesse was the people's pride and joy. But Jesse does not understand what the Bishop did and said ---- that civil rights was not what got Sister Rosa where she was in the eyes of esteem. It was only her God and her love of Jesus that carried her.

I hope somebody else here saw that service, too. If so, did you see another take on it than I?

Rest on, Sister Rosa Parks. Glory is your reward and nothing else on earth will ever compare.

Praying and praising as I go,

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

JUDGE ALITO - Supreme Court Nominee

How do I know this Presidential nominee deserves a chance to be heard for this prominent seat? Because the Democrats really do not want him and the news media are continuing to try to effect administration policy by acting as if the people elected them to do so.

Free Press? Yes. As in free U.S. from the press.


I am also being led this morning to share herein these blessings for this brand new day
from Katherine - "HairDarkAsNight."
You may not need this but send it on to somebody you think may. They'd appreciate it.

Rev. L. Dowell, Five-Fold Minister
aka Silent Thunder
aka clergywomen
aka clergywoman
aka Wearer of the Iron Robe
aka Throneseeker
aka She Who Walks With the Wind
aka Silent Thunder's Heart
aka A Shepherd Woman's Heart

At your service in the name of Jesus!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Reprint time - Miers and Supreme Court

REPRINT w/Addendum -- (see post dated October 6, 2005)

Ms. Miers did the right thing by withdrawing her nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. Now, what will our President do? I tell you what! It is past time the "Right Wing," started flexing it (i.e., the "right" wing.) It is "Eagle" time, brethren. Mount up and fear not!!! Our God is still on the Throne. Amen.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Harriet Miers A Supreme Choice?

Well --- since you had to go there --- >>

Count me among the angry, disillusioned ones. Miers is President Bush's pick. She is qualified by virtue of the blasted political spin machine. I believe our President blinked one more time and capitulated to the Democrats who are actually giddy over that selection. They don't know whether to laugh or cry from relief at her nomination to sit on the highest court in our nation.

Moreover, Dems are making press statements that this nomination proves the President is in agreement with THEM and not with their hated "radical right wing base." We are not as radical as we could be, but Bush has let us down, because he did not live up to his promise to seat a strong, staunch, fully qualified conservative in Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's place.

I want to know what it is about the Democrats that, even when they lose elections by a wide margin, they can make the public (across the boards) believe they are in charge as the minority party and the Republicans let them do it. They did the same thing during the Clinton Administration and, each time, Republicans gave in to their demands. And, the Dems publicly lambasted them (Republicans). And, when things went wrong with their accepted plan(s), the Dems blamed the Republicans -- and they let them do that, too.

Women and "diversity," be it race or ethnicity or culture or damnable "sexual orientation," is killing America. If it is for the sake of being politically correct, then is there any wonder many conservatives are sick over this pick? When we consider there are so many more qualified women and men than nominee Miers, it makes me wonder about Bush's thought processes where on the one hand, he says this choice is not about politics and on the other hand, he makes her political appointment to the highest court in our land.

Notice how much of her career promotion came by way of the same employer --- Bush. I am a long-time Republican and I will remain one. But these days it is very hard to tell who is what. Especially when Sen. Harry Reid (Democrat) reportedly recommended to Bush that her name should be placed in nomination. That ought to say a whole lot. We shall see with the upcoming Campaigns of 2006 and 2008.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Defend Traditional Marriage

Sometimes it really does take the indefensible to get you going to defend the defendable. Traditional marriage is worth defending. It is one of our Godliest mandates of all God-breathed utterances. It is past time Christians band together to take back all of our Godly terminology. Ungodliness has risen up and illegally claimed its way for American life. Today, Christians are hardpressed to even say the words, "rainbow," "diverse," "pro-choice," "hell," "marriage," "the cross," "Jesus," "God," "SIN," "damnation," "Preach," "homosexual," "Christian nation," "under God," "In God we trust," church," etc. Why? Because Satan has hijacked Kingdom living and turned it on its heels. The homosexual/gay agenda wrapped itself around a legitimate purpose to foster their illegitimate programs to block, stop, shut up and shut down all that this nation has known to be holy, true, and of God.

Sometimes a duck really is only a duck! Homosexuals really are hellbound. The rainbow really is our God's sign in the earth that He will not destroy it totally by flood any more. Take back God's ways and God will hold back the floods. Diversity really is inclusive of all who love God and are His who have turned away from sin and repented to live Godly. America really is a Christian nation under our God in whom we trust. Pro-choice truly is God's way, because God first gave mankind a choice to choose life or death and God is also pro-life. He told us He has given us that choice for our lives and He desires us to choose life. This nation has prospered for centuries and we have overcome adversities by our faith in God, Jesus, Holy Ghost (blessed Trinity) and our pledge to lift up God's standard across this nation and throughout the world. Do not despite God's preached word. Discern what is true and of God. Reject all that is not of God or Godly.

God's preached word continues to go forth, referenda and other petitions have been collected for lawmakers to act on, phone calls and emails have resulted in Congressional committee investigations and reports. God is on our side, so why does it appear we are losing this moral war? We have become bogged down in legal battles where the judiciary and ungodly lawyers have closed the Book and made up their own rules. But, if we shut up and sit down on God -- God will let us! If we stand up and lift up God's blood-stained banner -- God will not forget us! I imagine some readers must have cringed at that thought. If so, then you may be part of the problem rather than the solution. It is time to shut the devil's mouth against God, the things of God, and the people of God. How? By not backing down, backing up, or backing out-- but by standing on God's unadulterated word. Pray and Act! Let our God be God in the world.

If some people do not want to stand up, then sit there, but support those who will by keeping your mouth shut and your spirit praying for them (us) to march strong for Jesus. There really are many more of us than there are them. Thank God that in Jesus it takes but a few. Don't be mad at me. Stay mad at the devil. Pray and Act! God Save The Family. God Bless America.

"I ain't no ways tired. Come too far from where I started from.
Nobody tole me the road would be easy.
I don't believe He brought me this far--
I don't believe He brought me this far --
I don't believe He brought me this far --
to leave me."

(-Christian song, author unknown)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Those Maryland Girls

My natural sister sent me the post that follows and we are both from Maryland.

I am a proud Republican and she sticks to the old adage of "Secret Ballot," but that's o.k., too.
No Godly man and woman ought to be afraid to stand up for what they believe. Maryland's motto is "The Free State," but before it became one and even before Abraham Lincoln advocated freedom of slaves --- JESUS set the captive free. And I am so glad about it.

They say, "Don't mess with Texas?!" Well, include Maryland, too. We may live here in a den of Demo(n)crats, but we are 'sho nuf tuff. We're still up at bat. 'Nuf said! :-)

The shared post Subject is, Those Maryland Girls ---

Three men were sitting together bragging about how they had given their new wives duties. The first man had married a woman from Alabama, and bragged that he had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house cleaning that needed done at their house. He said that it took a couple days but on the third day he came home to a clean house and the dishes were all washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from South Carolina. He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, dishes, and the cooking. He told them that the first day he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table.

The third man had married a Maryland girl. He boasted that he told her that her duties were to keep the house cleaned, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day most of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye. Enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher, and telephone a landscaper.

Gotta love those girls from Maryland!!

Courage is Fear that has said its Prayers!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Rev. Pat Robertson's TV Comments

Good Morning to all who love the Lord and the called according to His purpose,

Here we go again. The media does not have Michael Jackson to kick around now. Scott Peterson has been tried and taken to death row. Sex offenders are captured *after* their dastardly deeds against children. Florida murdered a sick woman upon her husband's insistance, as we watched. Women and men advocate condoms and, at the same time, free sex and abortions. Florida's child is lost somewhere in the sands offshore. Nobody knows where. Protesters defame the President and our nation with impunity.

This latest beseige by the news media is against Rev. Pat Robertson. This ought to be another warning about the changing tide in our christian fellowship in the U.S. and in the world. Various people have various opinions and, needless to say, not all are supportive of what he had to say publicly. I happened to be watching that day he said it and I remember my eyebrows went up for a second. But only a second. Somehow, I thought that particular show airing took place about a month ago.

I do not know which side of the controversy you may come down on, but think about this -- Among some of those who are hollering the loudest and who are the most condemning of the Reverend, are the same ones who fought to have the Ten Commandments taken out of our courthouses, prayer taken out of our schools, the Holy Bible out of schools and courtrooms and public discourse. Yet, we find them trying to quote from Scripture about those comments that he felt "(W)e have the means to do so and we ought to take him out" (i.e., meaning Pres. Chavis).

The media are publicly pitting christians against one another. The reporters even laugh outloud on tv while quoting (not so funny) comments made by people who want to see Robertson taken off the air. Stop and ask yourself, where is the media outrage against people who publicly call the President of the U.S. a liar and who call for his demise?
Excuse me? Especially during wartime, those people would have been labelled traitors.

Now, let me ask you this question:
Where in the Bible is, "Thou shalt not kill?"
Where in the Bible is, "There is a time and a season for everything under the sun?"
Where in the Bible does it say that "God hates. . . . ?"
Where in the Bible does it say "Judge not lest you be judged?"
Where in the Bible does it say, "Test the spirit whether it is of God?" and
"You shall know the tree by the fruit it bears?"

Most preachers and believers know our messages are about text, context, pretext, content ---- and above all ---- THE HOLY GHOST! It is not either/or. It is both/and.

In other words, DISCERN all things. Hold fast to what is true and of God. Spiritual leadership placed by God are there for a purpose. KNOW YOUR PLACE IN GOD and shut the mouths of all who would come against those
things of God they do not understand. Save a soul from hell (i.e., if God has spoken it.)

We are moving deeper and deeper into Spiritual Warfare, where the natural mind cannot know or discern the things of God by the voice of God. Do not be deceived, believers. Rev. Robinson's voice is just as valid (if not moreso) than those that disparage God's word, will, and way. Thank God for his speaking out and not being stiffled. Do not allow anybody to stiffle your voice and choke off what they might not want to hear. If they think this is too tough ----------- hang on, because the toughness of the meat of God's word He is sending forth will really cut deep to the saving of souls from hell. Let them laugh. Let them scoff. Let them ostracize. Let them lambast. Let them be who *they* are. But do not let them send your soul to hell with them.

Now maybe christians will better understand the importance of knowing who they are and whose they are in Christ Jesus. And there comes a time of recognition of who God is and what He is saying today and everyday. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not for the faint of heart. The people of God are humble but not wimps.

Stop. Look. Listen. Discern. Ask God about what you do not understand.
But understand --- God's plan is at work in the land. And God knows what He is doing.

Comments, anyone?

File info to contact CBN
Mailing Address
The Christian Broadcasting Network
977 Centerville Turnpike
Virginia Beach, VA 23463

Thursday, June 09, 2005

McCain at MTV Rock the Vote? Yes.

When I turned to the channel and saw "Rock the Vote," and Sen. Coleman introducing Sen. McCain, my first reaction was confusion. I was trying to recall whether or not I may have missed the fact that the Republicans had established that particular MTV program. Then I heard McAuliffe's name invoked and I knew there was a horrible mistake. Until your article appeared today, I thought it was just me being paranoid. Thank you.

Senators Coleman, McCain, and Kemp should know they did a grave disservice to their office by affiliating with such a farsical project. McCain compromised himself and his office again and it only weakened his appearance of statesmanship so much that it does not matter that he would not discuss his underwear with the young people, as Clinton had done years before. Clinton awarded for "values?" Clinton and "values" in the same breath is an oxymoron.

McCain has to make up his mind to be either an entertainer or a Senator giving the dignity and respect due that office. It was embarrassing to see his pale attempt at self-deprecating humor which, by the way, did not go over all that well with the crowd.

It would be a welcomed sight to see Republicans host young people at an educational conference held to teach them how to respect this nation and its long-held values before soliciting their signatures on a ballot for the sake of swelling their voting rolls.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Republican Backbone Is Still In Town


Praise to God! The Republican Backbone is Still In Town. Senator Frist just announced on the floor of the Senate that "the Constitutional Option" is still on the table. He said he did not sign off on "The Memorandum of Understanding," which was signed by 14 Senators last night (reps from both sides). Sen. Frist said he did not agree that the terms went far enough. It was a joy to see this morning and to hear.

Sen. Reid has tried to change the terms already. Reid made a move on the floor to try to change the schedule, but Sen. Frist held his ground (as well he should have). He has let it be known, forthrightly, that he will not allow judicial obstruction. "I hope that progress continues," he said.

Reid said he supported "The Memo," and Reid claimed the "threat of Nuclear Option" was gone from the table (babble, babble, babble). Reid said he supported the "agreement" and was thankful the 14 Senators kept *him* apprised of what they were doing every step of the way. But, Reid is still trying to change the schedule of voting on the judges in the Senate. Now they are going after the nomination of Bolton for U.N. They are already making plans to block the Bolton vote.

Drives me up a wall to see how manipulative the Dems continue to be.

Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) also said that "The Constitutional Option," has not been taken off the table.

Bless God From Zion!
Our God is on the move! Praise His Holy and Everlasting Name.
Thank You, O God, for we know You alone are above all things. You are really Real.
And we are so grateful that You heard and answered our prayer right quick to set the heart of the Republicans to do what is just and righteous in Your sight. Their voices are truly strong, indeed. In Jesus's name. Amen.

The Senate Hearing on the Nomination of Justice Priscilla Owens is now on tv.
I am watching it on Cable TV - C-SPAN 2 - U.S. Senate. It is also being simulcast by radio.

The Republicans Blinked AGAIN!

After all of the Dems' whining and complaining and lies, the Republicans blinked again.

I don't know how you feel about it, but I feel betrayed --- Again!
That was no compromise, because the Democrats got exactly what they had proposed earlier last week --- which was for the Republicans to throw overboard two (2) of the seven (7) Bush judicial nominees. They had said they would let the Republicans have their vote, only if they left off two [of their (Republican's) pick](?)

Did you see that press conference to announce the "compromise?"
The Dems had made no secret of the fact that they were going to stand together as one to hold up the Congress from doing any of the people's business, if the Republicans voted away the filibuster. The Dems had also said words to the effect that we do not need a President, because the Senate is not "under the President." Try telling that to them when Clinton was President and they had a brief stint (by one person) of being the majority, when Jeffords defected at a very crucial time (to be Independent and vote with the Dems). Now they have all gloated and gushed and said "the Senate has won and the American people have won." (McCain) Shortly thereafter, Reid held a press conference with other Dems and started slinging mud right away. It is atrocious. He sniped at the President and the Vice President and intimated they were dividers and much worst.

Those "moderate" Republicans made a laughing stock out of Frist and the President. They went over Frist's head (if they didn't, then he agreed with them). Just wait until the more crucial vote for Supreme Court Justices comes up. They are sure to blink again and "compromise." What kind of leadership is this?! Where is the backbone? You'd better believe when (if) the Dems get their chance to be "majority" again, they will do the same thing as before and will not give one inch to Republicans (because after all they would then be in the minority).

When you compromise with the devil (demo(n)crats) you are bound to catch hell.

Dear Lord, our Father, have mercy on us and enlighten the leadership to stand up for your truth and righteousness. In Jesus's name. Amen.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The Republicans Blinked Once More

When will the Republicans ever learn?
If anybody has watched the demo(n)crats in action, especially since Clinton, they know that every time they screech and have tantrums, the Republicans capitulate. Don't they know that when they (Republicans) give up their majority power, they will lose it? They have lost it.

When the dems were the majority party, they made all kinds of changes and told the Republicans to like it or else (because they couldn't lump it). And the dems had their way. Think back to the Clinton impeachment hearings. The dems came together with one (warped) mind around Clinton and held fast choosing to blame the Republicans for Clinton's "alleged" failings. Even now, it would be hardpressed to find any of them (dems) even Clinton to acknowledge that Clinton was, in fact, impreached and lost his lawyers license as a result of his actions.

The dems are never pacified. They refuse to be satisfied. When the Republicans capitulate to each of their demands, they come up with another. They plainly refuse to accept the Bush Administration -- choosing to believe they (and Clinton, Gore and Kerry) are the present elected majority leaders of this nation. Who can stand to hear the dems continue to accuse the Republicans for what they, themselves, are guilty of doing? I talk to my tv and write and phone Congress and the Senate, but what does it get me? Or you?

I do not believe Frist will be the next Presidential candidate as he supposes.
He is too weak. Even if he could be counted on to do the right thing for right's sake, he might have stood a chance to be placed in that coveted position. But, we need strong leaders to get this nation back on track --- not wishy washy men and women who know what they were voted in office to do but who refuse to do it. And until and unless they do stand up and work for God's truth and justice, we who push them by our prayers are just wasting our breath. And God will never turn aside to hear double-minded men and women. But still we try! May God have mercy on us and shut the dems' collective mouth.

God Bless Rep. Patrick McHenry, Republican, North Carolina

Wednesday, April 27, 2005 -- C-SPAN U.S. House, 9:00 p.m. EST

He made it plain that the democrats want to "tear down the House." And he spoke out against Nancy Pelosi and S. Tubbs-Jones who amended their travel reports and one who never even filed any. Of course, before he could even get through his speech, the dems interrupted and raised objections and said Rep. McHenry was making false allegations against members of the House. But how about when the dems stand uninterrupted on the House floor and call the Republicans everything but colleagues who are the majority party? The dems do it all the time. And the Republicans let them.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Time for Dialogue With John Kerry

Why are there no email links on the Kerry site to correspond directly with John Kerry?

The man is a coward who hides behind pundits in order to spew his lack of regard for the rule of law and democratic values and morals. Neither Kerry nor the demo(n)crats understand that it is about more than talking about faith. They are not received by people of faith as being truthful, because their spirit exudes evil intent and demonic tendencies. Just to hear Kerry continue to lead the foulness of his party only lets us know he does not have the best interest of our nation at heart. The demo(n)s need to get with the constitution and get behind the leadership that the majority of this nation elected to lead us. The biggest dems' attack dog, James Carvel, does a lot of harm to your cause. Yours is the party that delights to spin and disregard truth. You attribute to the Republicans those heinous acts that you, yourselves, have committed.

Please tell Kerry that he and the demo(n)s could win Godly support if only they would stop trying to tear down our real Godly leadership. We know the difference between a truth and a lie. The dems can dish it out but they cannot take it. It is they who are the culprits and we are not deceived by them. I tried listening to Kerry's videos messages, but half-way through one, I got sick and had to cut it off.

Kerry needs to step back and get his job done in the Senate because he is not the President. Kerry lost. And he will continue to be a loser as long as he leads the dissent against people of faith who love the Lord and who are not afraid or ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ who is our Savior and Lord.

There is room for dialogue. But we cannot hear what he is saying for what he is doing.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Save Rep. Tom Delay's House Leadership

Since this is a land concerned about the Bush-Cheney Administration, I think it may be safe to explore the following here. Am I the only one who is displeased about the Demo(n)crat's latest attempts to unseat Rep. Tom Delay? And does anybody think the Republicans should capitulate (again)? Why must we constantly watch Republicans (by the way, the MAJORITY) cow tow to the minority? Of course the dems want to have Rep. Delay out of the way. He is not afraid to stand up and speak out about issues that need moving through the House and to get them moving towards becoming laws, if needed.

During the Clinton years at a time the dems were the majority, they did not give one inch. The Republicans had to take action. Then as well as now, after Republicans gained more House seats, it is almost as if dems were not at the meeting! It is as if they have not read a newspaper or picked up a book or turned on a tv. It is as if they have never shown up at work in D.C. They LOST (pardon the caps). The Republicans Won (don't have to shout here, it's already done). Thank God.

On another matter --- Israel and Expansion and President Bush's Ultimatum

I am Republican, but like quite a few others, I am still not able to comprehend what the President is doing. He is letting Mexico's Fox outfox him into setting up a "guest worker" program and amnesty to allow illegal aliens into the country (to work and go back home to Mexico or grab more land here *for* Mexico??). He's not vocal about providing protection on our borders and he offers no encouragement for the American citizens who have banded together to protect "the homeland." He has offered no clear statement or action about a constitutional amendment to protect marriage and the unborn. He has given no clear statement about the "not-so-gay" lifestyle. And, I still can't help being reminded that he had no power to save an otherwise healthy, disabled young woman from being starved and dehydrated to death just a couple of weeks ago in America. So, I am finding it harder to listen to him each time he issues ultimatums to other world leaders and organizations. His credibility is flawed now and he doesn't seem to care. Speaking of which -- I thought it was the height of sexism to have our Secretary of State walking around the Vatican with a scarf on her head for no other reason than because Dr. Rice is female. She represents America, "The Land of the Free and The Home of The Brave." Women's lib has nothing to do with this. It makes me wonder if Dr. Rice is being allowed to make policy decisions on her own or whether she has talking points from the President's desk. She's got some heavy duty lifting to get done around the world and she also has to be credible and an example to male chauvenist that women are up to the task.

What are other Bush-Cheney supporters saying about this turn of events, if anything? If we are not able to count on the Godly leadership in our nation and the world from President Bush, then we may as well be under the Demo(n)crats. Heaven forbid.

1:20 p.m. EST -- Fox News Alert
A young oriental man is standing near the Capitol with two carry on bags and he is threatening to blow himself up on Capitol Hill. The West Wing is being evacuated at this time. The entire area has been sealed off. The police are dressed in protective gear.

More news -- Stay tuned for the outcome. God have mercy and grant a peaceful end.

1:42 p.m. EST -- Homeland Security At Work!

Seen in realtime, film footage and the report by Bryan Wilson - Fox News Cable TV 54. The man has been taken down by Capitol security police who put him in handcuffs and dragged him away from the bags. Praise God!

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sen. John Kerry in Rome on Crutches

Why didn't I hear anything about this in the newspapers? Or was it reported there and I was paying too much attention to the internet and cable tv news the past several weeks? I was just watching "Capital Gang" on CNN-tv (4:36 a.m. EST). At that time, the panel was discussing the funeral of Pope John Paul II and the politicos and dignitaries who were in attendance. A bit of film footage was shown during the discussion. I couldn't believe my eyes. First I realized I was seeing Sen. John Kerry in Rome. Then at the last bit of film footage, I realized the Senator was on crutches.

I "Googled" and found out Sen. Kerry had an outpatient procedure on his knee and will probably be on crutches the next three weeks. Strange how the "Capital Gang" panel did not mention that Sen. Kerry was in that news clip, that he was in Rome, or that he was on crutches.

I wonder why Sen. John Kerry has to travel to Rome and other countries before we in the United States can see him let alone hear him (although he's been very quiet since the last election)? But it seems to me that, if he can travel to Rome with a sore knee that requires the use of crutches, then we ought to be able to see him every once in a while strolling the halls of Congress. Ya think??

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pope John Paul II Has Just Died- 1920-2005

Fox News 2:57 p.m. EST and 9:57 p.m. Vatican time -- by Shepherd Smith, Reporter Fox News








Terri Schiavo Cremated Today

Fox News announced that Terri Schiavo was cremated at 9 a.m. EST. It has also been reported that Michael Sciavo will bury her remains "somewhere in Pennsylvania" where her parents and sibblings will not know or be able to go to pay their last respects to her. Terri's body was autopsied for only one day following her death and then she was turned over to Michael for the final insult, as per the Florida court order that sanctioned her death.

Earlier this week, Felos, Michael Schiavo's lawyer of death, revealed that it was Judge Greer's recommendation that Terri be cremated following her death and autopsy. Why not? This judge ruled that she was worthy of -- not saving -- but total destruction by starvation and dehydration. In our time, the unjust judge of all time. Do these people have a bet with one another to find out who can mete out the most heinous sentence against innocent people? Notice, I said, "innocent." Even when all the evidence remains in full support of their innocence, these judges have vowed to not be made a liar and refuse to change their minds on the matter.

Terri Schiavo, may she rest in peace --- as I know and believe she is resting in the arms of Jesus now. She was dead and her soul was taken to the Lord's Throne Room. She did not know or care. But, as for Michael and his family and all those consenting to her untimely death, they shall wake up in hell. They shall see and feel and taste the flames in that firery pit that burns day and night. They shall beg the Father for mercy and to be taken out of that hellhole. But they shall not be removed. And in the Lord's time, they will all be destroyed with their father, Satan the devil, hell, death and the grave. They shall be no more forevermore. Terri, in the end, shall live eternal in the heavens with our Father God.

All scoffers and naysayers say, "Not so!" And to that I ask, "How do you know? Suppose it is you who are wrong and it is I who have spoken what is true?" At any rate, God's word says so and the Lord Jesus is "the way, the truth, and the life. " and "God is not a man that He should lie." "And all liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire." Michael and all those who follow after your lying lead, REPENT while you have a chance and it may be that the Lord will have mercy on your soul.

Friday, April 01, 2005

The Pope is Dead. Long Live The Pope!

And as our Lord Jesus has said,
"Well done, thy good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy of the Lord."

Faithful until the end . . . .
At 1:23 p.m. (EST) on Friday, April 1, 2005, Fox News has reported in real time that Sky News Italia announced the Pope's vital signs have gone flat. The Pope is dead. Pope John Paul II, 84-year-old Polish priest, gave faithful service to the Catholic Church.

Now thank we all our God for the blessings He dispensed through the life of this, His servant.

As the bells toll at St. Peter's in The Vatican, Let the church be the Church and let our God be God of His Church and all creation.

Pope John Paul II -No April Fool Joke

MSNBC Cable TV 57 (east coast) Flash News Remains Questionable
Friday, April 1, 2005, 3:25 a.m. EST
The Associated Press News out of Italy at The Vatican, concerning the Pope's health

The Italian press reports the Pope is now in a coma and is near death.

The Vatican denies the reports at this time. But reported the Pope suffered cardio-respiratory collapse during treatment for urinary tract infection. The Pope has been on a feeding tube through his nose in the past few days.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Front Row Seat to Murder -Terri Schiavo

Announced by Brother Paul O'Donnell at 9:53 a.m.
(spokesperson for parents and sibblings)

Terri Schiavo (b) 1963 (d) 2005 9:05 a.m. EST
On Thursday, March 31, 2005 -
God's child is called from labor to reward

We mourn Terri's death because it decisively signals the death of American respect for life and for God who is the giver of life and death. May God have mercy on Terri's soul. May she rest in peace. May the family be blessed. Through all of this, our God is glorified and Michael Schiavo is also in the hands of our God who loves justice. May God have mercy on his soul when he arrives at The Gate where HELL has written his name on the furnace door, because he perpetrated Terri's murder and is without repentance even to allow her parents and sibblings to be at her bedside when she breathed her last.

Never in America is there any place for Americans to stand by under constraint of arrest under the police authority that is misused against us by our government for speaking out against anybody, including them, deliberately allowing an innocent person (Terri Schiavo) to starve and dehydrate to death on the word of a man who ceased to be a husband and guardian over 10 years ago when he took a common-law wife and fathered two children by her in the interim. Common sense in the pursuit of justice could have abated Michael's and the courts' deadly nonsense.

Godly leadership and "(O)ne nation under God." Nothing less will suffice for fostering respect for life and for the law "that errs on the side of life."

The national dialogue about the runaway judiciary and the culture of death just begins.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The ThrowAway Life - Hitler Lives in U.S.!

It used to be the question posed by abortionists was, "Who knows when life begins?" How strange that we in America would live long enough to run headlong into the culture of death in our nation. Now human secularists and all of their ilk have decided not only won't they wait for God to have His say about the beginning of life, but now they won't even wait for God to have His say about the ending of life. It is, as it were, that life begins when our courts will allow it and it ends when our courts demand it.

Let our cry resound throughout this nation! Remember Terri Schiavo! She represents our own concentration camp in this 2005 time of plenty. Police power is used to oppress and murder innocents as surely as the "Brown Shirts" did decades ago. When we look back historically we can readily understand that the Jews were falsely blamed for not speaking up. Many spoke out and stood up against Hitler and "the law" and, when they did, they were unceremoniously carted off to death camps. In Florida, the police -- acting under the authority of the courts-- arrested men, women, boys, and girls, because they stepped forth to try to get a drink of water to Terri. She is a captive of the state and the nation.

When President Bush spoke on Monday (March 29, 2005) about the freedoms going forth for the Iraqi people and their new-found democracy, I couldn't hear a word he said for what he has (not) done to stop Terri from being starved and dehydrated until she is dead. I am amazed that Bush doesn't stop in mid-sentence and apologize to the nation and Terri and her parents and sibblings for his inaction. And all of this madness is sanctioned by many politicians and christian churchgoers and nonchristians alike. They are those who feign ignorance about why the majority of American citizens do not agree with Michael Schiavo and all of his cohorts.

Interesting! Monday (yesterday), the news reported that Michael Schiavo and his family members have been threatened and they are being protected by the same police force that searches the family members and friends of Terri to make sure they are not going to give her one ice chip or photograph her devastating dying that Michael's lawyer said was peaceful and that she looked so much better than he had ever seen her. Ludicrous! That statement alone ought to signal to the courts and anybody else what liars they are. Since when is starvation and dehydration a peaceful and beautiful way to die?

Talking about bloggers? Journalists thought they could keep the news sanitized and spoon feed it to the public the way they want to stir it up. We don't have to be journalists and thank God we are not. We are not beholden to any conglomerate. Fellow bloggers -- write your hearts out. Hold fast to your mind. Tell it the way you receive it in your heart and let the chips fall where they may. Guess what? Don't be surprised that your thoughts are not the only ones that are being expressed in the same way throughout this nation. That's just a lie the (IL)"legitimate" news media wants us to swallow so they can shut us up and shove us out of the public arena.

Is it any wonder that Ph.D. stands for "Poor Helpless Dummy?" And is there any wonder that it is said, "There is no fool like an Edu(ma)cated Fool? People of America, pray to the Lord, because death is on the march and the strong arm of the law is storming your front door.

Father, forgive them, for they "KNOW" what they do." (para. by Rev. L. Dowell)They are reprobate. They are true sons and daughters of Satan. And they, like their father the devil, will receive their just reward from our Father God who reigns supreme over all things.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

AUTOPSY? Terri's Not Dead!

It boggles my mind to hear the pundits now discussing an autopsy for Terri. Now they are giving kudos to Michael Schiavo for "consenting" to give Terri an autopsy. I keep screaming at the television, "But she's NOT Dead!" What's wrong with this picture?

America the land of the free and the home of the brave? I guess it's time to be brave, because the "free" comes at a high price. And, if you cannot meet that price that lawyers, courts, and medical personnel put on your life to keep you alive, then so long.

I have been on this earth a long time, thank the Lord. I have seen a whole lot (even what I have not wanted to see). I have heard more than enough to last my lifelong through. I have tasted bitter and sweet. I have felt harsh and loving. I have loved and been loved. I have gained and lost. I have lived and do live now until God says, "Well done. . . ."

BUT . . .
I cannot recall ever seeing anything as evil in America as perpetrated by one man, Michael Schiavo. I have never known anything like what is happening to Terri. However, I hope the nation will better understand the plight of those caught up in the throes of the "justice" system when they are innocent. What's more, when the evidence proves their innocence and the court refuses to examine it to determine whether or not to release them even from the death cells across this nation.

To all who shut their eyes and ears and mouth cuss words, because they just want to see the whole thing go away and they can go on with their (pitiful) life, wake up! Your time cannot be too far behind. And when it comes, you will have learned a hard lesson at a great expense. Compassion doesn't cost a cent. Mercy can bring great rewards. Justice administered by people in authority who are themselves just, can work for the good of all people.

God have mercy on Terri, because this nation won't. Lord have mercy in Jesus' name. Amen. God bless Terri and her parents and sibblings. And may the Lord's mighty hand be merciful to Michael Schiavo, when He moves.

Monday, March 28, 2005

While Terri Schiavo Fights - Congress Cowers!

What can we say that has not already been said but that those who love life must keep on shouting it out from the rooftop that Terri Schiavo is worth saving. I believe Congress and the Bush(es) are consenting to the murder of Terri by not stopping the madness. Since when is it the policy of the United States to sanction starving and withholding water from an otherwise, healthy person? How can they keep mum or whine that their hands are tied and they cannot do anything to intervene? President Bush is the one who boldly said, "Bring it on!" before sending thousands of our loved ones to die on foreign desert shores to free the people in the middle east. He led the fight against Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden. He is lifting his official voice against North Korea and China. How is it his powers have all of a sudden been taken away from him? How is it President Bush looks shrivelled up and confused? When current news reports announce the President's intention to support the military, I remember the times he used to look like a strong Commander-in-Chief to me. For a man who has publicly touted his support for erring on the side of life, he has ducked for cover and kept silent while Terri fights to live.

Governor Jeb Bush, his brother, is no better. He is hiding behind the mantra that he cannot and will not go against the law -- meaning against Judge Greer's edict to withhold food and water from Terri. He even deigns to stand still and allow this puny circuit person (to put it nicely) dictate to him his authority. Judge Greer strong armed the Governor and the Governor let his arm weaken and fall helplessly to his side as a wet noodle. They claim that Terri is the one who is "brain dead." But even though they know Terri is no such thing, let me put it this way-- Terri has enough brains to know what they are trying to do to take her life and she is fighting with everything in her to live.

Tonight, on MSNBC cable tv "Scarborough Country", former Congressman Joe Scarborough, the host, said that "Congress is hiding under the rocks." Earlier in the program he said that, "Speaking as a former member of the Judiciary Committee, when Congress issues a subpoena and a judge tells them to go to hell, Congress has the authority to act."

All I know is that the God we serve is a miracle-working God and Terri's life and her parents and sibblings are glorifying God in all of this.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Sold Out When Cowardly Republicans Blinked!

America will sink lower each day they withhold Terri's feeding. Any time Janet Reno can send in the paramilitary with guns drawn to take Elian out of his home (there's Florida, again), then surely Governor Jeb Bush could send in the state police and national guard, too, and take charge of Terri Schiavo's life.

If Congress, President Bush, and Governor Bush cannot act against judicial activism, then who can? They are our elected leaders. The Judges, for the most part, are not. The Republicans need to bite the bullet and let the chips fall where they may and then sort it all out after Terri's feeding has resumed. I don't think conservatives are angry at the Bush(es) for "acting." I believe we are (I know I am) angry at their "inaction" to see this crisis through to help Terri.

The advanced directives they are pushing on the public are not the total answer, especially when our courts and leadership demonstrate a lack of mercy and compassion for the sick, infirmed, and dying. Advanced directives will only give the government more power and authority through the medical community to rush sick people to their death after their money runs out and they can no longer afford to pay medical bills.

Besides all that, how could Terri have purportedly given thought to a living will or advanced directive, when they didn't become the "fashionable thing to do" until well after she was stricken? Michael Schiavo is a demon from hell. And so are his brother and family members who back him on murdering Terri.

What is going on? Why are our elected leaders and officials cowering under the ungodly hand of the minority party of demo(n)crats?

The Republican Congressional majority continues to capitulate to the relatively few who are demo(n)crats and has compromised once again. Every time they give in, it comes back around to bite them like a boa winds around its "best friend," who had no better sense than to lie down beside it. Note the Clinton Impeachment hearings.

In re Terri Schiavo -- The Republicans watered down that bill offered on her behalf so they could appease the dems to say it passed on a bi-partisan basis. Over 100 congresspersons deliberately did not even show up for the Palm Sunday debate and vote on the floor. Those who did show up fought tooth and nail to make it fail. If the United States Senate and Congress and Executive Branch (President) can't pull rank on the Judicial Branch and bring them back in line by use of Executive Power, then why do we bother to have three branches of government? This is not about an advanced directive or living will. This is about giving the government more power to continue legalizing drugs, perverse living, a culture of hate, a culture of death that one person recently called what is happening to Terri, "Homicide by Judiciary." Any time a judge threatens a governor with police power it is time to have a meeting and talk about this!

Governor Jeb Bush blinked! President Bush blinked! Congress blinked! The Senate stood its ground on this issue of getting a bill passed, then watched defeat helplessly from the sidelines.

Under the watch of President G.W.Bush (43rd) we sat stunned watching the United States Judiciary use its police powers to haul a Ten Commandments monument from the halls of an Alabama courthouse which, by the way, had been placed there as a gift from Chief Justice Roy Moore, of that courthouse. Then they unceremoniously removed him from the court and the courthouse.

We have watched so many more jobs being sent offshore --- even certain military equipment, clothing, and ordinals are farmed offshore to foreign labor.

We have watched as our young men and women return from the current wars and were billed for their food and hospitalization while they lay recuperating from horrible wounds. Many are coming back to find they have lost their well-paying jobs and health coverage, and too many are evicted and living from pillar to post.

And, now, Vincente Fox has announced that Mexico and the U.S. have entered into a
"Total Partnership" and will fight the war on terrorism together(?!) Where was Mexico from the outset of this series of wars? Sly Fox looked like he has Bush where he wants him. Fox's plan is to send Mexicans in this country, illegally, to claim ground as squatters for Mexico's flag to fly over U.S. property. One of our schools has had the nerve to fly the Mexican flag in the classroom complete with PLEDGE beside the American flag.

Fox is announcing a plan for "convergence of our economies" and "a fluid border." We are a nation that has been sold out in the name of the Lord Jesus. We trusted our elected officials to protect us. Intead, Bush has jumped into bed with Fox and is showing himself to be a weak leader with no spine.

Pray for America. She is no longer the leader of the free world. She is a laughing stock. And God has withdrawn His hand from this place. Pray for President Bush. He has gone off the Godly track. He almost acts like he doesn't care. First the lawyers. Then the courts. And now our elected leaders. They have sold us out to the devil! I believe the news media has missed it and this is truly why many conservative constituents are unhappy with President Bush right now.

Don't get mad at me for bringing it up. I am a longtime Republican. Get mad at the system and let's work together to come up with some viable solutions to turn this around before it really is too late, if it isn't already.

Letter to the Editor -

This is my personal response to the
article by Susan Jones(3-25-05) "Priest Calls For Civil Disobedience."

"If they take me in the morning, they will come for you in the night." -Angela Davis

First They Came for the Jews
First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Pastor Martin Niemöller
Source for above poem:


To fellow believers on Jesus (said without apology), if you have never been victimized by the U.S. Government when false accusations have been made against you, get ready! Fr. Pavone's observations are correct.

Terri Sciavo is being starved to death, because of an alleged "faulty memory" of her so-called husband (in name only). He just happened to remember seven (7) years following her hospitalization that she allegedly told him she didn't want to live "like that." Never mind the years before when he had already forgotten the matrimonial vows he made to her. Instead, Michael Schiavo left her side to enter an illicit sexual relationship that culminated in the birth of two children from an unwed mother and father (to each other).

I hope your faith in God is as strong as you have ever vocalized it to be. When you know you are innocent, and are being herded illegally down the path to a public shaming and nobody can or will speak up on your behalf to correct the situation, I hope you will remember, if you are ever extricated, and that you will become compassionate and less inclined to make hasty judgments without first becoming aware of all the facts. If you don't have them, get them. But from where? Take the time to ask questions, do some research (don't take too long when somebody's life depends on your assessment and relief), and continue to move while praying, until the Lord says "Do it!" Then get in a hurry.

Nobody but visionaries who have the foresight of what is behind the "seen" when they peruse the "scene" can sound such a warning. What am I saying? Take Notice. This is about the "Judicial Aggressiveness" and the elected leadership's betrayal of our trust (executive, legislative, judicial). Today Terri and others like her are in their crosshairs. But tomorrow it can be you or a loved one (I've already had my taste of it).

God have mercy on us, when we have to stand by and impotently watch the murder of the innocent and helpless among us. If I invoked the name, Hitler, l don't think that would be strong enough to explain what we are witnessing even though not passively. Preachers who know sound the warning. We point the way to our shelter. His name is Jesus. He is the miracle worker, and He alone will also repay anyone who stands in the way of His oncoming miracle!

Monday, March 21, 2005

U.S. House Passes Law in re Terri Schiavo

This just in! This morning, at 12:43 a.m. EST, the House of Representatives, passed the bill into law that will allow the case of Terri Schiavo to go to the federal court for a de novo hearing. There were 203 yea's, and 58 nay's. The House adjourned at 12:46 a.m. EST. The bill is now going to be enrolled and promptly delivered to President Bush to sign into law.

For the life of me, I do not know why the demo(n)crats (oh that's why). Anyway, they and a handful of Republicans have a problem understanding the culture of life trumps states rights--- especially in light of the overwhelming evidence brought out in debating this case that Terri and her parents and her sibblings have been denied due process. There are just too many open-ended questions that remain to be answered before depriving this young woman of her life. Thank God for the leadership (bi-partisan) who stayed the course. In the end, we will all come to know that God is God and man will never be God.

Americans will never knowingly or willingly consent to a policy of euthanasia.

UPDATE! Fox News Alert (Cable tv 54) Monday, March 21, 2005, l:26 a.m. EST

Just Reported: "Sr. House Aide: Pres Bush Signs Schiavo Bill"

Friday, March 18, 2005

Jessica Lunsford Abducted and Murdered!

Imagine! Asleep in your own bed in your own home. Lights out. Quiet and calm. Peace. Then, in the dawn, nightmare! Your child is missing. Nowhere in sight. Yet, no sign of hearing anything during the dead of night to signal alarm. God forbid that it should continue to happen on a daily basis that young children, men, and women are abducted and murdered. Are we so used to hearing and seeing those news broadcasts that we have, as a nation, become callous and uncaring? I realize everybody is not just sitting by and doing nothing. But their job becomes harder when they have to knock the complacent out of their way to go on to finding a solution to this madness.

Slogans and songfests be dammed. Killers are going to be killers! The electric chair, the gas chamber, the "needle," the lengthy jail sentences --- none of these deterrents are getting the job done. Ask those family members and friends who follow behind the hearsts of loved ones whose lives have been prematurely snuffed out whether by another family member or a stranger.

If I could write a slogan that would get the message out!
If I could write a song that would strike at the very heart and find it in the killer!
If I could stretch out my hand and retrieve every missing child shown on milk cartons!
If I could foresee the oncoming dangers and sound the alarm ---- and be believed!
If I could shed enough tears that the resultant flood would wash away every killer!
If I could pray and know God would strike the killer dead before he or she could strike!
If I could --- I would --- And everybody would know it!

One More Little Victim of Violence
In Florida, Jessica Lunsford was abducted from her bedroom while her grandparents slept nearby. And the abductor spirited her away and brutally sexually abused her and murdered her out of the presence of her family. The police have identified the killer. He confessed after being questioned by the F.B.I. The family and law enforcement have not announced whether or not the killer has told where he placed her body. I suppose that information will be forthcoming.

The killer was a sex offender who lived with a family member in close proximity to Jessica's family before he fled the state to escape prosecution. Jessica's family had never considered that even as a remote possibility. They were never informed about it. The "person of interest" (the killer) fled to Georgia where he was captured and is awaiting extradition to Florida for further questioning. There may be other killers involved. The Police are investigating the matter.

Do You Know Who Lives Next To Your House?
Have you even thought about it? This is not about paranoia. This is a necessity to protect not only your family but also other families, as well. These sex offenders live in our communities near schoolhouses and the police do not tell us for our safety?

Inform your ownself about what is going on.
Click link to the State Listings of Sex Offenders


UPDATE! Palm Sunday, March 20, 2005. 10:12 p.m. EST --
THE DEMO(N)CRATS ARE AT IT AGAIN! i.e., Ignoring wishes of the majority.

The United States Senate has already passed a bill into law to allow Terri Schiavo's case to be heard before the Federal Court instead of in Florida. At this time, the United States House of Representatives is debating whether or not to pass a companion bill to do the same. It is unbelievable that these dastardly men and women demo(n)crats do not respect the culture of life. They revere only death and destruction -- even of a live, innocent person such as Terri.


If it is Friday, the news media has an all-day feeding frenzy. Why is it that we have seen it time and again like clockwork that late-breaking news almost always come with a vengeance on Fridays?!

God bless the United States Congress for intervening in the Terri Schiavo case. She is the one who has remained unable to either express herself or defend herself, because of her state of health.

Fifteen years ago, Terri reportedly went into heart arrest due to an also reportedly lack of potassium in her body caused reportedly by her being bullemic. However, Michael Schiavo, her husband (in name only), insists they both had a conversation before she collapsed in which she stated she did not want to live in such a helpless state. At that time, Terri was reportedly in her mid-20s. She was a newly wed. How many newly weds in that age group think about wills and cemeteries and death and dying to openly express any comment on the matter? Not only that, but also, how can Michael Schiavo persist in his legal briefs to this day to maintain his wife (in name only) wanted to die rather than live on life support?

Advance directives or living wills have only had their greatest light of day during the past 10 years. That was five years *after* Terri's tragic health episode which continues to this day.

To the young'uns! You who were barely birthed when this whole Schiavo saga had its genesis. Terri's case is not the first one in which the fight has been fought to save the life of a young woman in such a state. Look up Karen Ann Quinlan. Then look up Nancy Cruzan. Doesn't the national mandate matter that this is a country of life and not death? Christians woke up some time ago. We are standing now as never before against this degenerative culture of perversion and lies. We will win because God is God and they are not! Lord have mercy on their souls.

I believe it is ironic that Michael Schiavo is adament about keeping this alleged vow to end the life of his wife (in name only), but shows no remorse about breaking his very real matrimonial vows to her, when he pledged to be with her (in pertinent part), "In sickness and in health. To love and to cherish. Til death do us part." If Schiavo considers himself still a married man, then does his having an "unmarried" family of a girlfriend and their children make him a bigamist or an ungodly, immoral, greedy person who wants what he wants and Terri's parents can forget Terri is their child to lovingly help?

I would be interested in hearing from his long-time girlfriend and their children conceived while Terri has been fighting for her life. Schiavo's girlfriend's voice has been silent throughout this whole public ordeal. Why hasn't she been interviewed? Doesn't she understand that she is seeing a preview of her life with "Mike," when he tires of her?

Michael Schiavo is as heartless as convicted murderer Scott Peterson who now sits on Death Row, as "a dead man walking," perhaps for the next 20 years. Even death row prisoners receive food and water up to the day they are executed. What is it about the arrogance of these men who go outside of their marriages and believe they have "rights" to have some say over what happens to their wife? If they feel they are man enough to step out, then they ought to be the man enough to step off! Murder is never an option. Didn't the Peterson trial prove that? Why hasn't Schiavo gotten a divorce and moved on with his life? We can be pretty sure that Terri's parents and sibblings would think better of him than having him kill their daughter and sister.

IF the killing of Terri Schiavo goes the way Michael Schiavo plans, then this U.S. government and its people ought to apologize to Dr. Kervokian and throw a party for him and his supporters, open his cell door, and set him free to go forth and kill at will (no pun intended).

Geoffrey Feiger represented Kervokian and he has come down on the side of Michael Schiavo. But his client is in jail! Apparently, they do not understand that knowingly killing live people is not an option that Americans will ever accept as the national culture of death.

Monday, March 14, 2005

What's an Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy?

What do you think about the recent announcement that President Bush has had Secretary of State Condi Rice (to) nominate Karen Hughes to the subject position?

I personally do not believe it is a cabinet level position. She should remain in her advisory position to the President (as Dr. Rice had done before being appointed as Secretary of State). There appears to be a definite crossover in those positions. However, Karen Hughes's duties, as publicly related, actually place her in a separate niche all her own instead of as acting under the authority of the Secretary of State.

It is a nice gesture, but what exactly is an "Undersecretary for Public Diplomacy?" Since when have Ambassadors taken a cabinet level position at the President's table? That is one of the reasons I don't think Congress should confirm her as such. Her demeanor is too soft and "cute" for the job that has to be done, especially in the Middle East. She can continue in her public relations and communications position without having to step into a made up position out of gratitude for her help.

I believe this new move will be a grave distraction. It will give the news media a field day for creating a made up "war" between the two "women.*" I have already heard one Congressman (Repub.) talk about the Secretary of State in terms of having worn "a very nice dress" at a recent official White House event. Do they ever talk about the "nice suits" men wear in their official positions? Anybody know what I mean?
*I put parentheses around the word, "women," to highlight the attitude of the press towards the role each will have to play on the world stage. I am also mindful that the press already has a problem recognizing Dr. Rice as an official who is more than qualified to direct the way America is perceived around the globe. After all, she has had the President's ear for many years and that has held him in great stead with other world leaders at home and abroad.

Movie Deal for Ashley Smith? Here We Go!

Listening to Fox and Friends on Cable 54 (here in the east). Right on target!
Announcement: During an interview this morning, the news pundits announced (8:37 a.m.) that Ashley Smith has already obtained an attorney to pursue a movie deal! Burns me up! The victims are hardly buried and the black female deputy is still in the hospital fighting for her life and they are already pushing for a movie deal.

If that "hostage" had been a black female, those same news pundits would have grilled her and speculated and conjectured and sneered that she had to have been involved in the crimes. And, if that were the case, they would still be questioning why she had made no attempt to call the police or escape when she had the chance? They would have wanted to know why she was so calm and why she made breakfast for the killer Nichols the next morning, if she had not known him previously? They would have wanted to know how Nichols "happened" to find his way to her apartment out of the many houses and apartments on the way? They would have labeled her everything but a child of God, if she as a black woman had said that God had her take the killer in and minister to him to convince him to give himself up and to not kill her.

Examples of Racism in News Reporting

Not a racial issue? How could it not be? He is a black killer and she is a white woman. I have heard the tv cable news people relentlessly pursue noted black males and females who were accused of committing a crime while, at the same time, giving white males and females a pass. For example O.J. Simpson and the white females (alive and dead). Kobe Bryant and the white female accusing him of raping her. Bill Cosby and the white females accusing him of groping and doping them. Michael Jackson who the news pundits are quick to scoff that he is trying to be a white female. It is outrageous! They show no signs of objectivity -- let alone compassion. They don't use words like "alleged," "innocent until proven guilty," "have not gone to trial yet," etc. when talking about the cases of those people. They are so busy calling for those black defendants to lose their "money" and the capacity to ever earn any at any time in the future.

Call those pundits racist and they would be appalled. Yet, when have you heard the news pundits constantly call for Phil Spector to lose his livelihood? He was caught with the smoking gun in his hand and the warm body sprawled out dead in his foyer. He still has not gone to trial.

How about Robert Blake? He just happened to leave his (relatively) new wife in their car parked in a dark alley a few blocks from the restaurant they had just exited and he went back "to get his gun" that he had inadvertently left at the restaurant. And, when he returned to their car, his wife happened to be on the front seat with a bullet hole in her. He also had a gun in his possession and an alleged expressed wish to have her dead. But, the news media has not continued to besmurch his name. They don't even talk about Blake's case except to say there is a trial going on and now the jury is out deliberating. Silence.

Don't forget Scott Peterson. He was found with the materials for making a homemade cement anchor. He had a boat. He went fishing. His wife and unborn child went missing. But she and her (born) child turned up dead in the area where he said he had gone fishing. The press never made as much "guilty" noise as they have done for Jackson and the others. Peterson is now in jail awaiting sentencing. He is facing the death penalty. The press is silent.

White singer, Justin Timberlake pulled on Black Janet Jackson's top and exposed one part of her breast for about a split second during a Super Bowl halftime and the news media had a natural fit! They forgot all about Timberlake. It was as if he had no part in it. Congress held a hearing. The Federal Trade Commission fined tv stations. Janet was scourged. Yet White women were shown on tv nursing their babies. White women were shown on tv parading in Victoria Secrets scanty attire. And the White media salivated at the sights of those women.

Worst of all! Last week, Michael Jackson's attorney reportedly told the judge that his client was ill and in the hospital. The judge's response was to offer Jackson loss of his $3M bail and a warrant put out for his arrest to stay in jail for the duration of his trial, if he did not make that 45 mile trip in to the court within one hour. So in scuffles Jackson on the arms of his bodyguards. He was obviously in pain. They brought him into court still in his pj's straight from his hospital bed. Yet, the news people had a field day talking about Jackson showing up in court in pajamas. One white female pundit said on tv that she was hoping the judge would rescind Jackson's bail and put him in jail. The news even reported that Jackson showed up in court with "uncombed, matted hair." Can you imagine? I can show them matted hair and his was not in that condition. They said Jackson feigned his ailment, because the accuser was getting too close to the truth and Jackson couldn't take it.

White comedian Jay Leno has outdone himself. It has been reported Leno will be a witness in the Jackson trial, against the mother of Jackson's accusers. She allegedly tried to shake Leno down using the same method as with Jackson before Leno called the police. When Leno was precluded from telling jokes on tv by court order, he wrote his crude jokes about Jackson and had guest comedians come in to deliver them on tv as he stood close by. Nobody called for Leno's job or livelihood. Notice the difference yet?

Face It ~ Sometimes Racism Is Racism

This is 2005 and I still know what racism is when I see it. Sometimes racism is racism. Ask Bill O'Reilly. When he had his time of accusations against him, he used his time on the air to plead with viewers to not make any conclusions until all the facts were out. O'Reilly told his audience and anybody who would listen that he was not going to settle with that woman. Then what did he do? He settled. We never heard anybody say he should lose his job and livelihood. In fact, O'Reilly came back as arrogant as ever. Any wonder why he is leading the trumpet to have bloggers regulated? Where else would we be able to get out our point of view? News media have branched out so much that pundits are no longer news reporters but they are commentators and gossipers. And quite a few (including O'Reilly) act as if they were elected officials, because they use their public platform all too often to try to affect local, state, national, and international policy.

White women get "the press" and Black women get "de/press/ed." I thank God for Jesus. He is my hope in every stormy gale and my prayers and sympathies lie with the victims and their families. As well, with the family of Brian Nichols. May God have mercy on his soul when he appears before Him at the Beautiful Gate.

Court and A Bloody Day In Georgia

What a week/end we have had. The news was not good.
Brian Nichols, a prisoner detained on various criminal charges including weapons and raping his ex-girlfriend in August 2004, became the headline for last Friday and Saturday, when he was finally captured.

Brian Nichols, it is alleged (the legal jargon), beat a female deputy within an inch of her life, took her gun, hunted down the trial judge in his courtroom and fired a bullet in his head. Then he turned the gun on the judge's court reporter, killing her. He fled down seven flights of stairs and killed another deputy in a confrontation on the sidewalk. He then carjacked several different auto owners within the shadow of the courthouse. And he escaped a wide Georgia Police net to end up caught on the outskirts of Atlanta in an apartment complex with a "hostage."

Now, I want to know why that "hostage," was accorded more respect than the female deputy who was escorting Nichols to the courtroom and suffered grave injuries as a result? The news pundits went after her like a lion in a den of unguarded lambs. I believe it was because the deputy was a black female that the white female pundits spit out such venom against her, even as she lies in critical condition in the hospital fighting for her life. Those white news females are, in effect, saying that women ought not be guards -- and, in particular -- not black women. They are allowing their "guests" to call the Georgia deputies incompetent and ignorant, and they are calling for the Sheriff to be fired ("heads are gonna roll,") they say.

Well. On Saturday, Nichols was caught after a 27-hour killing spree in which he also murdered a customs agent and took his weapon, badge, and truck before fleeing to the outskirts of Georgia, where he was apprehended.

What a story she tells (reiterated here in part)

Ashley Smith is touted as being the heroine of the day. She is a young, white widow. A single mom with a child. As she tells it, she was on her way out of her apartment at 2:00 a.m. to "go to the store," and noticed the truck parked there. When she came from the store about five (5) minutes later, she saw the truck was still there. Nichols got out and accosted her and forced his way into her apartment, where he stayed the night and they talked -- after he had tied her up with masking tape (?), extension cord, and draped a curtain around her waist. He carried her into her bedroom and taped her legs. Then he picked her up and carried her to the bathroom and sat her on a stool she had there. Nichols then decided he was going to take a shower and told her he was going to cover her head with a towel "so you won't have to see me take a shower," (to which she glibly replied, "o.k. you can take a shower"). Then Smith goes on to relate that following Nichols's shower, he asked her if she could walk to which she said, "No, but I can hop." And she said she hopped into her bedroom where he proceeded to remove the tape, extension cord and the curtain from around her. And as they continued to talk, she began to let him know he had done wrong and needed to give himself up.

She continued stating that towards morning, Nichols decided he had to get rid of the (custom agent's) truck. He told her he wanted her to follow him. She asked if she could take her cell phone. At first he said, "No." Then he agreed and off they went. Him in the stolen truck and her in her automobile with a cell phone following behind. After Nichols put the truck another place, he got into her automobile and she drove him back to her apartment. She had not attempted to call the police while she was alone in her car. (?) They continued to talk about her life and about the events that had unfolded around his rampage. She read to him and later on, she fixed him breakfast in her apartment. He was overwhelmed at having pancakes and real butter. He finally let her go see her daughter. And, she said that he was giving her money but she refused it. And, as she was preparing to leave, he asked her if she wanted him to do anything around the apartment for her while she was gone "like hang curtains"? She said she "guess he just wanted some normalcy in his life."

Then she went out to see her daughter and, on the way, called 911 and said Nichols was in her apartment and that she was on her way to get her daughter. The 911 dispatcher told her "to turn around and go to the leasing office."

Questions Remain Unanswered~
This may sound cynical, but Smith seemed entirely too calm and cool in telling her story. She did not miss a beat. She covered every minute-by-minute occurrence. Nevertheless, there are still far too many unanswered questions for me. And I am waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one! There is a world of difference between how the news media treat white people and black people. Next thing will probably come a movie about "Ashley Smith and The Big, Black Mad Killer."

I am reminded of the Boston murder where the white man reported that Black men killed his pregnant wife while they were stopped at a light and he caused the police force to turn the black Bostonian neighborhoods upside down routing a whole lot of young, Black males only to learn later that the white man was the perpetrator/murderer after all. And he later committed suicide by leaping off a bridge.

The Real Heroes?
The local, state, and federal law enforcement, including that female deputy Nichols pounced upon and left for dead in that Atlanta (GA) courthouse.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Want to Retrain A Terrorist At Your House?

Some people will never understand that our nation is at war along with our allies. And war is no picnic. I think the government needs to black out the news. Now an alleged "secret spy program," if there was one, is no longer a "secret." I think some of our biggest problemmakers are members of the liberal Senate and House who either divulge "secret" White House briefings outright or else leak documents to the news media via anonymous "unnamed high-level sources said." But, if the news reporters and political and religious leaders were as vocal about terrorists cutting heads off of innocents as they have been about combatants who've been made to wear underwear on their heads, then word would get widely broadcast that America will attack her attackers with everything stored up in her war chest. The most noise we hear comes from those who have never been to war and have no intention of ever signing up to go.

Christians who are against "war" and use the Bible to justify that position need to spend more time talking to the Preacher, because that is not all of it. Believers, for the most part, are humble and loving towards one another and others. But we do not ask evil anything --- we tell evil to go back to hell where it came from. And, we help it to get back there. We don't need to give the devil no place. No more ground. America and her allies are in this fight to win. Thank God.

Don't let anybody bad mouth America. Call them on it when you hear it.That would put a stop to all of those confusing mixed messages. If only the White House and/or Defense Department would speak up and make such a bold statement as that alleged in the copy below, then a whole lot of people might be quicker to stop and think before "blaming America first."The original author of that email joke, below, really hit the nail on the head. I like that!I'm just sorry I had not thought to articulate it, myself.We Christians are humble, but God did not make us floor mats. If war is called for, we run to the battle. And we go praying all the way knowing our God meets us every time and carries us to the victory line.

Here is the copy of an email shared with a list I belong to and is quoted below. Take a look and think about it. [I deleted the name of the sender in this post. If you want to know the name, contact me. As far as I know to date, the author is anonymous.]

Sent: Monday, January 24, 2005 12:38 PM> Subject: Joke: Liberals
Accept Responsibility for Killers(LARK) Subject: THE LARK

A person wrote a letter to the White House complaining about the treatment of a captive taken during the Afghanistan war. Attached is a copy of a letter they received back:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20016

Dear Concerned Citizen: Thank you for your recent letter roundly criticizing our treatment of the Taliban and Al Qaeda detainees currently being held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Our administration takes these matters seriously, and your opinion was heard loud and clear here in Washington.

You'll be pleased to learn that, thanks to the concerns of citizens like you, we are creating a new division of the Terrorist Retraining Program, to be called the "Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers" program, or LARK for short. In accordance with the guidelines of this new program, we have decided to place one terrorist under your personal care.

Your personal detainee has been selected and scheduled for transportation under heavily armed guard to your residence next Monday. Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud (you can just call him Ahmed) is to be cared for pursuant to the standards
you personally demanded in your letter of admonishment. It will likely be necessary for you to hire some assistant caretakers. We will conduct weekly inspections to ensure that your standards of care for Ahmed are commensurate with those you so strongly recommended in your letter. Although Ahmed is sociopathic and extremely
violent, we hope that your sensitivity to what you described as his "attitudinal problem" will help him overcome these character flaws. Perhaps you are correct in describing these problems as mere cultural differences. He will bite you, given the
chance. We understand that you plan to offer counseling and home schooling.

Your adopted terrorist is extremely proficient in hand-to-hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers. We do not suggest that you ask him to demonstrate these skills at your next yoga group He is also expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household
products, so you may wish to keep those items locked up, unless (in your opinion) this might offend him.

Ahmed will not wish to interact with your wife or daughters (except sexually) since he views females as a subhuman form of property. This is a particularly sensitive subject for him, and he has been known to show violent tendencies around women who fail to comply with the new dress code that Ahmed will recommend as more appropriate attire. I'm sure they will come to enjoy the anonymity offered by the bhurka - over time. Just remind them that it is all part of "respecting his culture and his religious beliefs" - wasn't that how you put it?

Thanks again for your letter. We truly appreciate it when folks like you, who know so much, keep us informed of the proper way to do our job. You take good care of Ahmed - and remember...we'll be watching.

Good luck!

Cordially...Your Buddy, Don Rumsfeld

Friday, January 21, 2005


Note - Please Read:
It is imperative that I send along this Corrected Email /revldowell

To: Ms. Deirdre Murphy
National Coalition on Health Care (nchc)

Re: Ms. Vanessa Dixon
DC Health Care Coalition

I thank you for your prompt corrections. I hope you can understand the mix up because, without my knowing the organizations cited, those names and purposes appear at first sight, to be very similar. In fact, after I found your website, I thought that I had incorrectly copied the "D.C." captioned designation from off the C-SPAN2 program and adjusted it.

I am glad to know your organization is non-partisan as represented, and I will make your corrected notations on my website, where applicable. And, if you have no objections, then I will place your own corrected information ahead of the comments I have made on my site and reference it again directly on the entry. However, if you object to my doing it in that way, then please contact me and I will consider adjusting it accordingly. Again, thank you and please accept my apology.

Rev. L. Dowell

----- Original Message -----
From: Deirdre Murphy
To: 'Rev. L. Dowell'
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 2:05 PM
Subject: RE: Shameful Behavior of NCHC Representative_revldowell
In response to your email on Friday, January 21, 2005, Vanessa Dixon is NOT a member or spokesperson for the National Coalition on Health Care. In our review of the C-Span film, we noted that Vanessa Dixon is a representative of the DC Health Care Coalition. We are not associated or affiliated with that organization.

Unfortunately, I could not find a web site for the DC Health Care Coalition, but did find a press release that may help you in contacting them:

Our organization, the National Coalition on Health Care, is a rigorously non-partisan, 501(c)3 nonprofit working for comprehensive health care reform. We do not involve ourselves in protests or political activity.


Deirdre Murphy
Public Affairs Assistant
National Coalition on Health Care
Web site:

-----Original Message-----From: Rev. L. Dowell [] Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:46 AMTo:
Subject: Shameful Behavior of NCHC Representative_revldowell

Good morning,

In re: Vanessa Dixon, D.C. National Coalition on Health Care (Washington, D.C.)
On January 20, 2005, speaking to A.N.S.W.E.R. protestors of President Bush

See my posted comments in the article entitled: "Cynthia McKinney . . ."

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Cynthia McKinney A Disgraceful-Hateful Act

IMPORTANT! This post has been corrected.
Please also read the article about why in, "CORRECTED POST IN RE NCHC"

Shame on you, Cynthia McKinney (D-GA)! Does the word, "anarchist," mean nothing to you? I could understand the other "protesters," but have you not recently put your hand up once more and swore to uphold the United States Constitution in your official (and personal) position as a Congresswoman?

I thought I was hearing things when the protesters on the frontline of Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. announced you were trying to come join them. But upon reflection, I knew it was true. Your atrocious demeanor towards President Bush and his agenda while you served in the Congress led to your being ousted by your constituency for the past two years. Now you are back and as shameless as ever. Georgia take note! And take McKinney back home.

McKinney joined with the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition protesters (viewed tonight on C-SPAN2) and she called the group "Patriots for peace." She also told them she was in Congress to work for them as "A voice for peace, dignity, and justice." She said she was glad A.N.S.W.E.R. included her in their voice of protest. The organizers have listed McKinney as one of their guest speakers at the rally. They also appear to boast about being able to have, for the first time, bleachers set up on the parade route and a sound system. But, during the 2004 Democratic convention in Massachusetts, Sen. Kerry's hometown, protesters were placed in specially constructed cages (surrounded by wire top to bottom) far from the Kerry-Edwards meeting place and made to stay in their alloted space. Yet, these protesters have failed to understand that were it not for the approval of President Bush, they would not have been so fortunate. Wouldn't you think that would have told them something about the tolerance of our current President? Like most things, they missed that, too.

As if that were not enough, McKinney's speech was followed by Vanessa Dixon of the [correction] D.C. Health Care Coalition (Washington, D.C.). In Dixon's diatribe, she compared President Bush to Hitler saying, "May I remind you Hitler was also democratically elected." What a surprise to learn via their website that Ms. Dixon was speaking as a representative of a reputable organization with hundreds of members as widely recognized dignitaries, officials, and organizations. [See the corrected post.]

Meanwhile, those same protesters were publicly advocating to IMPEACH George Bush and chanting such slogans as, "George Bush how many kids did you kill today?"
[I found that link they gave out belongs to a parked website]

Where were the Black Caucus members during the inauguration today? Even Sen. John Kerry and former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hilliary Clinton made the effort to appear. Even Sen. Nancy Pelosi took her place in the procession line. Either the news media overlooked the Black Caucus members or else they were not present. And, the various Democratic Party members who persist in ignoring the fact that we have re-elected our President, will be ignored by the majority, because they will have shown their intent is to obstruct and argue and stop the Presidential policies from going forth. And, if they are left out, then they will have only themselves to blame. One of their complaints is that President Bush does not include them in dispensing information. I wonder why not when some of our Senators and Congress people go on tv and radio and either disclose highly classified information shared in briefings or else leak documents and conversations to the news media and/or personalities?

Personally, I feel sorry for all of those protesters. They are wasting their voices and breath on issues that are being addressed by the Bush Administration. Why don't they spend their money, time, and talents (if any) on personally making a difference directly in their community and working to lift up the downtrodden they profess to be speaking for? Not only that, but also to hear them invoke the name of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as part of their cause is embarrassing. These are frustrated junior-minded ignorants who know nothing about the Civil Rights Movement. And they, much like the radical Islamics have done to Islam, are hijacking the vehicle that effected great changes for the good of Blacks and people of good will all over the world.

As long as God is on the Throne and we know the difference between right and wrong, hot and cold, left and right, good and evil, heaven and hell, and Jesus and Satan, then this nation will continue to stand up to every demon in hell and watch as they recede into the background and oblivion, if they do not repent before it is too late in God's sight. And I say that as decisively as I can, while God's truth is marching on.

I believe Representative Cynthia McKinney's actions were less than honorable, ethical, professional, moral, or as becoming a member of Congress, considering the forum and the timing of her appearance. And I think Ms. McKinney ought to be called before the Congressional Ethics Committee to give an accounting for her actions and sanctioned by the Congressional leadership and members. She is in Congress to help lift the people and not to descend to their base instincts (especially during an anarchist call for overthrow of our government). This is America but some things are off limits. Anarchy used to be one of them.

God bless America. God bless America. God bless America and the world to know He lives.